myQBook English Grammar Concepts


Capitalization, although not an actual punctuation mark, is a key feature in writing. It has two main jobs:

·         to emphasize the importance of words

·         to signal the beginning of a new sentence.

There are many cases in which you need to capitalize letters. Capitalize:

1.       The first word of every sentence.


2.       The letter "I" used as a singular, first-person, subjective personal pronoun.


3.       All proper nouns (specific people, places, etc.)


4.       Words in titles-- the first word and major words are capitalized, but shorter, unimportant words, such as articles or prepositions, are not capitalized.

For example, in the title “The Book of Everything”, the first word is capitalized, although it is only an article. The major words, “Book” and “Everything” are also capitalized; but the unimportant preposition “of” is not capitalized.

5.       Titles given to people (Dr., Mr., Mrs., etc.)


6.       Words that are usually common nouns but are being used as proper nouns in names--such as aunt, uncle, sister (usually family or relatives of the subject).

For example, consider the following sentence: "We are going to Ohio over Spring break to visit Grandpa." Here, “Grandpa” is being used as a specific name, which is a proper noun. Therefore, it is capitalized.

7.       Acronyms (a group of letters that usually stands for a name of a company or organization). For example, NASA, FBI, and CIA are all acronyms for organizations, so they are capitalized.



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