myQBook Math Enrichment Program

The myQBook Math Enrichment Program is a comprehensive and structured math enrichment program that students in grade 1 to 6 use as a complement to the math curriculum taught in school. At myQBook, our philosophy is simple: The best way to become competent in Math is through consistent and sustained practice.

We not only explain every math concept in an easy to understand way, but also provide enough practice problems to help secure that concept in the student’s brain.

You may be surprised to know that only 41% of students in grade 4 and only 33% of students in grade 8 in Texas performed at or above the proficient level in mathematics? See for yourself at

You can help your children/students become math competent by enrolling them in myQBook. Our Math Enrichment Program not only exceeds the requirements of each of the 50 US states, but also exceeds the international standards. This means, when your child completes all exercises for a grade level, she would have exceeded the standards required by any of the US states.

Click on the appropriate links here to view the myQBook curriculum by grade:

First Grade Fourth Grade
Second Grade Fifth Grade
Third Grade Sixth Grade

Our Math Enrichment Program currently offers two difficulty levels: levels 1 and 2. Although each guided practice in both levels covers the same concepts, level 1 guided practices are easier than level 2 guided practices. Also, level 1 guided practices have only 15 questions compared to 25 questions in level 2 guided practices.
To Subscribe
Please login to your teacher/parent account and click on “Buy Subscription” on the left hand side menu.

K-12 Math Concepts

English Grammar Concepts
Top 10 reasons our customers love myQBook:

  1. It is fun and challenging for students with built-in incentives for students to want to work more
  2. It offers a structured and flexible enrichment/ practice program
  3. It presents easy to understand concept explanations with sample problems
  4. It provides immediate feedback on student’s work as if a teacher or parent is sitting right next to the student and helping him with his work
  5. It allows students to repeat work as many times as needed to master a concept
  6. It sends weekly customized reports to parents/teachers so they know how much work their student is doing and can reward students for hard work
  7. It provides practice for standardized tests
  8. It can be used anywhere anytime - no need for students and parents to travel to any centers
  9. It provides a detailed analysis of the student’s strong and weak areas
  10. It stores all the work in the system so students and parents can review old work any time

myQBook Allows Differentiation in the classroom:
Every class room across the world has students who are at different competence levels in Math - some students in the class might be very good in Math while some others in the same class might be struggling quite a bit. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the American public school system.

The reason for this disparity is that the US public schools do not have any choice but to admit children of all academic levels residing within a geographic area in the same class irrespective of their competence levels. (Some Private schools avoid this problem by selecting students based on the results of an entrance exam.)

Faced with this situation, it’s quite difficult for a math teacher to effectively meet the needs of all students in the class. This is where myQBook can help a teacher do wonders with her students. Using myQBook in the class room can provide valuable benefits to the teacher and students:

  • Allows differentiated strategies for individual students – advanced students can do more challenging work and not get bored, while students who are behind can focus on the basics to improve their fundamental understanding of Math concepts.
  • Motivates students to do more Math practice at their own pace.
  • Saves valuable teachers’ time by eliminating copying of paper exercises and manual checking of paper worksheets.
  • Allows teachers to spend more time with students teaching difficult concepts.
  • Provides teachers with detailed analysis of each student’s strong and weak areas - allowing them to understand what concepts needs reinforcement for each student.
  • Saves the environment by cutting down on paper usage.
It should be clear from the above that having number sense means understanding numbers and mathematical operations and being able to manipulate these in order to solve difficult problems. NS has become so popular in recent years that many schools, universities and other organizations hold NS competitions throughout the US.
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